- Columns
- Missing Value Analysis
- Handling Missing Values
- Unique Values
- Univariate Analysis
- Bivariate Analysis
- Web Scraping
import pandas as pd
import missingno as msno
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
Data Source:
df = pd.read_csv('../Datasets/housing_train.csv')
Id | MSSubClass | MSZoning | LotFrontage | LotArea | Street | Alley | LotShape | LandContour | Utilities | ... | PoolArea | PoolQC | Fence | MiscFeature | MiscVal | MoSold | YrSold | SaleType | SaleCondition | SalePrice | |
0 | 1 | 60 | RL | 65.0 | 8450 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 2 | 2008 | WD | Normal | 208500 |
1 | 2 | 20 | RL | 80.0 | 9600 | Pave | NaN | Reg | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 5 | 2007 | WD | Normal | 181500 |
2 | 3 | 60 | RL | 68.0 | 11250 | Pave | NaN | IR1 | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 9 | 2008 | WD | Normal | 223500 |
3 | 4 | 70 | RL | 60.0 | 9550 | Pave | NaN | IR1 | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 2 | 2006 | WD | Abnorml | 140000 |
4 | 5 | 60 | RL | 84.0 | 14260 | Pave | NaN | IR1 | Lvl | AllPub | ... | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 0 | 12 | 2008 | WD | Normal | 250000 |
5 rows × 81 columns
Id | MSSubClass | LotFrontage | LotArea | OverallQual | OverallCond | YearBuilt | YearRemodAdd | MasVnrArea | BsmtFinSF1 | ... | WoodDeckSF | OpenPorchSF | EnclosedPorch | 3SsnPorch | ScreenPorch | PoolArea | MiscVal | MoSold | YrSold | SalePrice | |
count | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1201.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1452.000000 | 1460.000000 | ... | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 | 1460.000000 |
mean | 730.500000 | 56.897260 | 70.049958 | 10516.828082 | 6.099315 | 5.575342 | 1971.267808 | 1984.865753 | 103.685262 | 443.639726 | ... | 94.244521 | 46.660274 | 21.954110 | 3.409589 | 15.060959 | 2.758904 | 43.489041 | 6.321918 | 2007.815753 | 180921.195890 |
std | 421.610009 | 42.300571 | 24.284752 | 9981.264932 | 1.382997 | 1.112799 | 30.202904 | 20.645407 | 181.066207 | 456.098091 | ... | 125.338794 | 66.256028 | 61.119149 | 29.317331 | 55.757415 | 40.177307 | 496.123024 | 2.703626 | 1.328095 | 79442.502883 |
min | 1.000000 | 20.000000 | 21.000000 | 1300.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1872.000000 | 1950.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 2006.000000 | 34900.000000 |
25% | 365.750000 | 20.000000 | 59.000000 | 7553.500000 | 5.000000 | 5.000000 | 1954.000000 | 1967.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 5.000000 | 2007.000000 | 129975.000000 |
50% | 730.500000 | 50.000000 | 69.000000 | 9478.500000 | 6.000000 | 5.000000 | 1973.000000 | 1994.000000 | 0.000000 | 383.500000 | ... | 0.000000 | 25.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 6.000000 | 2008.000000 | 163000.000000 |
75% | 1095.250000 | 70.000000 | 80.000000 | 11601.500000 | 7.000000 | 6.000000 | 2000.000000 | 2004.000000 | 166.000000 | 712.250000 | ... | 168.000000 | 68.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 8.000000 | 2009.000000 | 214000.000000 |
max | 1460.000000 | 190.000000 | 313.000000 | 215245.000000 | 10.000000 | 9.000000 | 2010.000000 | 2010.000000 | 1600.000000 | 5644.000000 | ... | 857.000000 | 547.000000 | 552.000000 | 508.000000 | 480.000000 | 738.000000 | 15500.000000 | 12.000000 | 2010.000000 | 755000.000000 |
8 rows × 38 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1460 entries, 0 to 1459
Data columns (total 81 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Id 1460 non-null int64
1 MSSubClass 1460 non-null int64
2 MSZoning 1460 non-null object
3 LotFrontage 1201 non-null float64
4 LotArea 1460 non-null int64
5 Street 1460 non-null object
6 Alley 91 non-null object
7 LotShape 1460 non-null object
8 LandContour 1460 non-null object
9 Utilities 1460 non-null object
10 LotConfig 1460 non-null object
11 LandSlope 1460 non-null object
12 Neighborhood 1460 non-null object
13 Condition1 1460 non-null object
14 Condition2 1460 non-null object
15 BldgType 1460 non-null object
16 HouseStyle 1460 non-null object
17 OverallQual 1460 non-null int64
18 OverallCond 1460 non-null int64
19 YearBuilt 1460 non-null int64
20 YearRemodAdd 1460 non-null int64
21 RoofStyle 1460 non-null object
22 RoofMatl 1460 non-null object
23 Exterior1st 1460 non-null object
24 Exterior2nd 1460 non-null object
25 MasVnrType 1452 non-null object
26 MasVnrArea 1452 non-null float64
27 ExterQual 1460 non-null object
28 ExterCond 1460 non-null object
29 Foundation 1460 non-null object
30 BsmtQual 1423 non-null object
31 BsmtCond 1423 non-null object
32 BsmtExposure 1422 non-null object
33 BsmtFinType1 1423 non-null object
34 BsmtFinSF1 1460 non-null int64
35 BsmtFinType2 1422 non-null object
36 BsmtFinSF2 1460 non-null int64
37 BsmtUnfSF 1460 non-null int64
38 TotalBsmtSF 1460 non-null int64
39 Heating 1460 non-null object
40 HeatingQC 1460 non-null object
41 CentralAir 1460 non-null object
42 Electrical 1459 non-null object
43 1stFlrSF 1460 non-null int64
44 2ndFlrSF 1460 non-null int64
45 LowQualFinSF 1460 non-null int64
46 GrLivArea 1460 non-null int64
47 BsmtFullBath 1460 non-null int64
48 BsmtHalfBath 1460 non-null int64
49 FullBath 1460 non-null int64
50 HalfBath 1460 non-null int64
51 BedroomAbvGr 1460 non-null int64
52 KitchenAbvGr 1460 non-null int64
53 KitchenQual 1460 non-null object
54 TotRmsAbvGrd 1460 non-null int64
55 Functional 1460 non-null object
56 Fireplaces 1460 non-null int64
57 FireplaceQu 770 non-null object
58 GarageType 1379 non-null object
59 GarageYrBlt 1379 non-null float64
60 GarageFinish 1379 non-null object
61 GarageCars 1460 non-null int64
62 GarageArea 1460 non-null int64
63 GarageQual 1379 non-null object
64 GarageCond 1379 non-null object
65 PavedDrive 1460 non-null object
66 WoodDeckSF 1460 non-null int64
67 OpenPorchSF 1460 non-null int64
68 EnclosedPorch 1460 non-null int64
69 3SsnPorch 1460 non-null int64
70 ScreenPorch 1460 non-null int64
71 PoolArea 1460 non-null int64
72 PoolQC 7 non-null object
73 Fence 281 non-null object
74 MiscFeature 54 non-null object
75 MiscVal 1460 non-null int64
76 MoSold 1460 non-null int64
77 YrSold 1460 non-null int64
78 SaleType 1460 non-null object
79 SaleCondition 1460 non-null object
80 SalePrice 1460 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(35), object(43)
memory usage: 924.0+ KB
Id int64
MSSubClass int64
MSZoning object
LotFrontage float64
LotArea int64
MoSold int64
YrSold int64
SaleType object
SaleCondition object
SalePrice int64
Length: 81, dtype: object
numerical_cols = [cname for cname in df.columns if df[cname].dtype in ['int64', 'float64']]
print('Number of numerical columns: ', len(numerical_cols))
# numerical_cols
Number of numerical columns: 38
categorical_columns = [cname for cname in df.columns if df[cname].dtype=='object']
print('Number of categorical columns: ', len(categorical_columns))
# categorical_columns
Number of categorical columns: 43
Missing Value Analysis
cols_with_missing = [col for col in df.columns if df[col].isnull().any()]
print('Columns with missing values in df: ', cols_with_missing)
Columns with missing values in df: ['LotFrontage', 'Alley', 'MasVnrType', 'MasVnrArea', 'BsmtQual', 'BsmtCond', 'BsmtExposure', 'BsmtFinType1', 'BsmtFinType2', 'Electrical', 'FireplaceQu', 'GarageType', 'GarageYrBlt', 'GarageFinish', 'GarageQual', 'GarageCond', 'PoolQC', 'Fence', 'MiscFeature']
Handling Missing Values
1. Omit Data
We filter out columns which contain more than 90% missing values.
nv1 = df.isnull().sum()
nv2 = nv1.where(nv1>0).dropna()/df.shape[0]*100
Alley 93.767123
PoolQC 99.520548
MiscFeature 96.301370
dtype: float64
We see here PoolQC contains 99% missing values and we decide to go ahead and drop it.
cols_to_drop = ['PoolQC']
X = df.drop(cols_to_drop, axis=1)
if 'PoolQC' in X.columns:
print('Drop Failed')
print('Drop Passed')
Drop Passed
2. Imputation
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
# Preprocessing for numerical data
numerical_transformer = SimpleImputer(strategy='median')
# Preprocessing for categorical data
categorical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent')),
('onehot', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'))
# Bundle preprocessing for numerical and categorical data
preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(
('num', numerical_transformer, numerical_cols),
('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_columns)
Additional Notes on how to use these objects:
linear_reg_pipe = Pipeline(steps=[('preprocessor', preprocessor),('regressor', LinearRegression())]), y_train)
linear_reg_preds = linear_reg_pipe.predict(X_test)
Unique Values
MSZoning 5
Street 2
Alley 2
LotShape 4
LandContour 4
Utilities 2
LotConfig 5
LandSlope 3
Neighborhood 25
Condition1 9
Condition2 8
BldgType 5
HouseStyle 8
RoofStyle 6
RoofMatl 8
Exterior1st 15
Exterior2nd 16
MasVnrType 4
ExterQual 4
ExterCond 5
Foundation 6
BsmtQual 4
BsmtCond 4
BsmtExposure 4
BsmtFinType1 6
BsmtFinType2 6
Heating 6
HeatingQC 5
CentralAir 2
Electrical 5
KitchenQual 4
Functional 7
FireplaceQu 5
GarageType 6
GarageFinish 3
GarageQual 5
GarageCond 5
PavedDrive 3
PoolQC 3
Fence 4
MiscFeature 4
SaleType 9
SaleCondition 6
dtype: int64
Univariate Analysis
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=6, ncols=6, figsize=(30,30))
for i, col in enumerate(numerical_cols[0:-2]):
sns.distplot(df[col], kde=False, ax=axes[i//6,i%6])
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(15,5))
for i, col in enumerate(numerical_cols[36:]):
sns.distplot(df[col], kde=False, ax=axes[i])
Bivariate Distribution (Heatmap)
sns.heatmap(df[numerical_cols].corr(), annot=False, cmap='coolwarm', fmt='.1f')
Web Scraping
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
res = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content,'lxml')
table = soup.find_all('table')[0]
df_can = pd.read_html(str(table))
df = df_can[0]
df.columns = df.iloc[0]
df = df[1:]
M1A | Not assigned | Not assigned | |
1 | M2A | Not assigned | Not assigned |
2 | M3A | North York | Parkwoods |
3 | M4A | North York | Victoria Village |
4 | M5A | Downtown Toronto | Regent Park, Harbourfront |
5 | M6A | North York | Lawrence Manor, Lawrence Heights |